Festival 2024

10 young violin virtuosos - winners of international competitions - meet in Berlin for joint public concerts and workshops . In 2024, musicians aged between 8 and 17 from Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Chile, Spain and Korea will present themselves to the Berlin audience. Piano accompaniment will be provided by concert pianist Edgar Wiersocki .

Concert dates

June 12th 17.00 Concert Dussmannsaal of the Musikgymnasium C.Ph.E. Bach , Berlin Brunnenstr. 148 10115 Berlin Admission free June 13th Attention! Changed start time 14.00 Concert - Workshop Salon Saitenflügel Künstlerhof Alt- Lützow 12 10587 Berlin Admission free June 15th 16.30 Concert Tertianum Residenz Passauer Str 5-7 10789 Berlin Tickets at the entrance June 16th 16.00 Closing concert Center Bagatelle Zeltinger Str 6 13465 Berlin - Frohnau Tickets at the entrance


Małgorzata Błazik (Poland) Diana Borchardt (Germany) Alissa Edler Germany) Carlos Aliro Heimlich (Chile/Germany) Roksojana Hetman (Ukraine) Andrei Ivascu (Spain) Andriy Kordon (Ukraine) Nika Ruotong Zhu (Germany) Jiwoo Seol (Corea/Poland) Felice Starost (Germany)

Piano accompaniment

Edgar Wiersocki